Monday, July 9, 2012

Streets of Kyoto

Ah, the wonderful city of Kyoto, home to Japan's most famous temples.
 Fushimi Inari Shrine (伏見稲荷大社)

 Kinkaku-ji (金閣寺, Temple of the Golden Pavilion)
After a tiring visit to the temples of Kyoto, I roamed around to look for something to eat. And what better to eat but the turo-turo/street foods of Kyoto?
 I forgot what the name of this is (and I cannot read those kanji!), but it is like okonomiyaki.

 The menu only holds one dish!

 It was delicious, but expensive.
 Offtopic: a pinoy restaurant!
After that, I ate again at a takoyaki place around the corner.

 This was also good and surprisingly a healthy serving (each ball has a piece of octopus in it), but it was expensive; around 600yen for 8 pieces.

It was also good, but not sulit. I am looking forward to Osaka's takoyaki, as Osaka is said to have the best tasting takoyakis.

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