Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Osaka means Takoyaki

Osaka is famous for a lot of things--like the Osaka castle, Osaka Bay, and even Universal Studios. But if you would ask an Osaka resident what Osaka is best known for, I would bet that he/she would probably say takoyaki.

I must say, their takoyaki really does not disappoint. These are so much better than the ones I tried in Kyoto (or in any other place for that matter), and they are much cheaper too--around 400yen for 8 pcs, and 550 for 12 pcs.

It was said that it rarely snows in Osaka because it's nearer the equator and hence warmer (and global warming certainly doesn't help), but luckily I had the chance to be there when the first snowflakes dropped in Osaka after a few years. What a pleasant surprise. :)
Look! Even the kid is pleasantly surprised. XD

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