Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Kobe Beef (for three)!!!

At last, I went to Kobe to have a taste of Kobe beef, their famed best tasting steak meat in the world due to the cow's special and equally unique raising techniques (like being fed beer and being massaged with sake). I heard that you can only get to experience authentic kobe beef in Japan, despite many imported products being labeled Kobe, since authentic Japanese Kobe beef is not available for sale anywhere outside Japan.

 One serving (100g of Kobe beef) in this restaurant was around 2,900yen, which was already a FANTASTIC deal, since most restaurants would sell Kobe beef for at least 4000-5000yen. (They do sell more expensive servings of Kobe beef in the same restaurant though). Good thing I asked a local where in Kobe can I get to experience the least expensive Kobe beef. :P
 They cook your kobe beef meat in front of you. I wanted mine medium rare (as I always do with steaks).

 I got a salad, a bowl of miso, a healthy serving of rice, and a couple of sauces together with the steak.

 All done!
After having my first bite, my initial internal expression was: PAAAAKIIIIIING SHEEEETTTT!!!! (English translation: F*cking sh*t! This is the bomb!!) IT WAS SO GOOD. I must admit--it was the best steak experience I ever had so far. Its texture was literally like melted cheese, except that it's beef that you're eating. You have to eat each block of beef as a whole though, to totally experience its texture and flavour (because trying to bite a block of beef in half to have another bite with the other half will just make its texture and tenderness worse). And needless to say, it was flavorful and delicious.
Other people savoring their own serving of kobe beef.
After my exhilarating kobe beef experience, I went to enjoy Kobe city further by indulging in a bath in their onsens (hot springs), as Kobe city is also very famous for their onsen 温泉. This picture here though is just a free public onsen for the feet, and not the actual hot springs where you take a bath in.
Me enjoying the warmth from the natural hot springs!

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