Saturday, August 11, 2012

Binondo Food Trip

After doing some school work, we realized that it happened to be Chinese New Year that day, and so out of the blue my friends and I decided to go to Binondo to eat. The streets were very busy and crowded so it was kind of difficult maneuver ourselves, however we did see a lot more Chinese stuff than usual (e.g. dragon dances) because of the occasion  so I think Chinese New Year was indeed the best time to go there. We ate in several, almost random places that day--like in a turo-turo cart, in a free food eating contest in the street, fried siopao, etc.--however for that trip the most notable were Tasty Dumplings and Masuki. (The Shanghai fried siopao was awesome too, probably the best siopao I've ever tasted, but unfortunately I didn't manage to take pictures of it).

First stop: Tasty Dumplings.

 A very big pork chop meal for less than P100. Very sulit.

In terms of sulit-ness, Tasty Dumplings rates pretty high.

 Next stop: Masuki.
 Masuki is very famous for their noodles and siopao. But we didn't know about being famous for the latter so we didn't order some. Next time we definitely will.

Since we were already very full, we just bought two big bowls and some dim sum and shared them between the eight of us.

 Oh look! Some people are doing there tv shoot!

Binondo was great for having a food adventure. Where else can you find delicious Chinese food in the Philippines more authentic than in here? We didn't get to go to everything famous and delicious in Binondo though since we were already so full from our first few destinations. A second (and third? and fourth?) visit to Binondo is definitely needed.

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