Saturday, August 18, 2012

Plane dish: Bibimbap

I am on a plane trip to the US! My flight had a 3 hour stop in South Korea.

The remote can also act as a controller for games!
  I had bibimbap for lunch!
Bibimbap requires more preparation from the passenger than your usual dishes served in an airplane.

Yes, plane dishes are plain, but they're not that bad. They are still good enough to be eaten. And besides, since you don't really have too many options especially as an economy class passenger, when you are already so hungry while in flight you'd crave for such dishes even just from seeing flight attendants serving them. And also because of hunger, such dishes become better-tasting than they really should taste. Because of this interesting trait do I kinda like the dishes in the plane.
 Landed in Korea!

 Since I still had to wait in the airport for 3 hours, I decided to get myself some won and buy some food.
 You might like it in Korea because of their big bills! My P500 was changed into around 12,000 won! A normal dish costs around 8,000-10,000 won  (around 200pesos)! Rent costs for hundreds of thousands of won! You will feel like a millionaire in Korea.
Since bibimbap is one of the less common dishes that I get the opportunity to eat in an airplane, I decided to order another one when I boarded the next plane.

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